Thursday 15 December 2011

Happy holidays everyone!

Please check out the 4 new maths games I've added for holiday fun:
  • Park the pod
  • Post the letter
  • Number seqence tree
  • Ball addition

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Junior School Talent Quest

On Tuesday we watched lots of children perform songs and dances in the talent quest.

The winners were some boys from Room 15 who performed 'Crazy frog'.
Here they are with their certificates
Congratulations boys!

Monday 12 December 2011

Broad bean master chefs

Today we picked and prepared our broadbeans  for a bean feast.

1. We washed our hands
2. We picked the beans from the plant and put them into a bowl.
3. We took the beans out of the bean pod.
4. We boiled the beans for 1 minute and then cooled them down in cold water.

 5. We then peeled off the whitish skin which can sometimes be tough and chewy to eat.
6. We boiled the bright green beans for 3 minutes and then cooled them in cold water again.

 We each ate a few beans and scored their deliciousness out of 10.

No-one gave them a score lower than 10! Yummy, scrumptious, tasty beans!

Aotearoa Christmas song

Friday 9 December 2011

Diablo and juggling

Today Room 12 went and watched Xavier's dad (from Room 8), do some juggling and diablo tricks.

He did anti-gravity tricks and flung the diablo high in the air.

 He also juggled some cones and some balls.

He told us this was his hobby and that it takes a lot of practice to get really good at it. 

Thank you very much!