Wednesday 30 November 2011

Mini water polo session

Today we practised dropping like turtles and lining up out on the grass.

Xavier went to China and played lots of games. "The milk in China is sweet", he said.

play, walk, look, eat, shout, climb, dance, blow, splash, swim, run

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Swimming day two

The sticky stingray is starting to sing.

stickers   stuck   stop   stamp   Steven
stapler    stick    stay   stand     stunning

blast   fast   past   last  


Monday 28 November 2011


Day one in the pool

The wheels on the bus

Room 12 loved riding on the bus with their Room 4 buddies.
We started swimming today.

Gemma's puppies came to school this afternoon. They are only 22 days old. They like to sleep and snuggle with their Mum.

 "They eat weetbix", said Gemma's Mum.

The letter s

Thursday 24 November 2011

Clock game

Room 12 enjoyed making their own clocks yesterday. Today they played a board game where they had to read 'digital time' from the board, and then show that time on their clock.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


I like to walk.               Yesterday I walked.
I like to dance.              I danced last night.
The goose might hiss.   It hissed at Nicola.
Let's pat the pig.                      We patted the pig last week.

Swimming buddies

Mrs Scott and the children from Room 4 came to visit us yesterday. We will go on the bus together next week to Wharenui swimming pool. We had fun with chalk.

 We drew the bus, the swimming pool and wrote our names.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Shalom shiny mushrooms.

she, shake, share, shark, sheep, shed, sharp, shock, fish, gosh

Parth went to the swimming pool with his Dad.
mad, bad, sad, glad, had, lad, pad, rad


Monday 21 November 2011

Guten tag good listeners.
Olivia has a soft rabbit toy. It is giant.

go,  goat,  game,  green,  gold

The letter Gg

Friday 18 November 2011

Maori action song performance

Yesterday Room 12 went on the stage at Kirkwood Intermediate and performed the Maori action song, 'Korero, Parirau'. They were amazing! Please watch the video below to see them in action.

Ka pai rewa atu tamariki ma!

Cultural day photostory

Cultural Day

Look at our beautiful Cultural clothes. We made hearts to show half our heart was with Christchurch, and the other half was with our country of heritage.


Here is Room 12 exploring our outside clock
  Our clock needed a face which we drew with chalk.
We needed the numbers from 1 -12. 12 is at the top and 6 is at the bottom.
 We needed a long hand (the hour hand) and a short hand (the minute hand).

We took turns to move the hands to show the time.
When the long hand points up to the 12, it's something o'clock. This clock shows 7 o'clock.

Thursday 10 November 2011

A song for Cultural day

We are learning this song for Cultural day next Thursday. The whole school will sing it together before we parade to Kirkwood Intermediate.  

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Chao cheerful chocolate chewers.


Ody found a rock. He put it in his sock.
clock, knock, block, shock,

Friday 4 November 2011

Taking turns

We have been learning to take turns.
 Micky and Umi lined up to wait for their turn with the moon hoppers.
 Ezekiel, Dylan and Tim took turns with the puppets in the puppet theatre.

 Gabby and Ben took turns looking at the treasures at the talking table.
 The gardeners took turns with the watering can to water our newly planted seeds.
 Amelia and Cindy took turns with the musical instruments.

 Umi and Micky took turns when they were playing the spotty dog maths game.
Ka pai tamariki ma! Taking turns is a safe and friendly way to learn and play!

Room 12's favourite Jump Jam song

Room 12 LOVE jump jamming to the song, 'Crazy frog'.
Here is the music to this song so you can do the moves at home.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Our rockets have red wings.
Leonard showed us slimy, brown, hungry snails. They have hard shells.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

It is walking and wheeling Wednesday.

Ezekiel went to Jelly Park and went down a scary slide.

fast, long, speedy, twirly, high, water
We are learning to count to 100

Tuesday 1 November 2011

The wrinkly writer wriggled and wriggled.

Luca got a new, green bey-blade on Saturday.

We are learning about adjectives.
Adjectives are describing words that tell us what something is like.