Friday 30 September 2011

Explore Galore - Keep Trying!

We've been learning to keep trying.

We get better at things when we practise so we tried hard not to give up and stay at an activity and keep trying.
Soolefai kept trying with his bowling and Amelia and Kapre kept trying with their puzzle.

The hula-hoopers kept trying.
 Ody didn't give up at pack up time.
 He kept trying to find the mystery item.
Well done everyone.
You kept trying and got better at your activities!
How many planets are there in our Solar System?

 We fastened our seatbelts and prepared to watch the magic school bus to find out about the planets.

We found out...

Wednesday 28 September 2011

It will be a wonderful wacky Wednesday.
 We whisper when we write.

Gabby has the cat in the hat book.
Ody wrote a scribble.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Rotating Earth

Day and Night are caused by the sun shining on the rotating Earth.

Monday 26 September 2011

Exploring shadows

We went outside out looked at our shadows. They copied us.

Our bodies needed the sunlight to make a shadow. When the sun was behind a cloud we couldn't see our shadows
Our bodies block the sunlight.

A shadow is a place where no light can get to.

Then we came inside to the 'dark tent' and shone torch light at the Earth.

Half the Earth became light, making it day time and the other side stayed dark, making it night time.

We thought it was funny that while it is day time here in New Zealand, on the other side of Earth in Scotland, people are sleeping in the night.

My Shadow

Friday 23 September 2011

More new ideas

Adam blew air up into the parachute to try
to keep it floating for longer.
"I cellotaped two fans together to make
one big fan to make more wind".    -   Dylan
Lots of new ideas were had today at
Explore Galore

"I made the Earth orbit around the sun
and then had a new idea to draw a space
monster".    -  Hugh
Soolefai used the balloon pump
to make the sail boats move.

                                          Thank you to all whanau who came and joined us at Explore Galore today.
Our Place in Space

Thursday 22 September 2011

How does the Earth orbit the Sun?

The Sun stays still.
The Earth orbits around the Sun.
The moon orbits around the Earth.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Fun with frisbees

Room 12 are starting to train for next term's
Athletics day.

Today we had fun with frisbees.
We imagined that we had milkshakes on our frisbees and had to keep them flat so they didn't fall off. We used our elbows to point where we wanted our frisbees to go.
It was fabulous fun!

Monday 19 September 2011

Hello happy hoppers. Look at Sam. He is hopping.
Sam has had a train ride.

What other 'H' words do we know?

horse          house          hat          hand
hi               hot              hole         he

Friday 16 September 2011

At Explore Galore today we were learning to make predictions.

We were learning this because thinking and having a guess helps us to learn to think like Scientists.

We knew people were making predictions when we heard them saying:
"I think..."           "I guess..."          "I predict..."       "I reckon..."        

 "I think when I shake the bowl the colours will mix together", said Christina. 

Lots of children were predicting  the best way to stick things together when they were making their space shuttles and space robots.
Room 12 had a go at Cricket.

We used a cricket bat, a ball and some wickets.

We learned to hit the ball with the flat side of the bat. 

 We ran fast between the wickets until the ball was brought back by the fielders.


Room 12 had lots of fun springing, swinging, balancing, landing, travelling, rotating and rolling in our recent Gym fun sessions.
Unfortunately due to the rain, we were unable to share our newly aquired skills with our families.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Jump Jamming

Room 12 love dancing and singing at Jump Jam

 We do Jump Jam every morning to get our bodies moving.

What super groovers!

Word Reading Practice to music

Today is Ratu. We will do printing and say plenty of pleases. We will put our hand up too.
Amelia told us that she played with her Mum.

popcorn    puppy    pineapple     pick     potato     pink

Saturday 10 September 2011

Reaching for the stars

Setting Goals
 Room 12 have been reading the book, 'Keep Trying'.

  We did some thinking about what we each wanted to get better at and wrote some personal goals.

We won't give up, we'll Keep Trying!

Friday 9 September 2011

Doing the right thing

 Room 12 made a great choice after morning tea today and did the right thing straight away.

 Everyone was sitting down quietly
with their 'try books' and were
trying their best to write their names, letters, and words.

Explore Galore

Taking turns Explore Galore

We had fun exploring space
We explored moon rocks.
We lined up patiently for a turn on the moon hopper


We used our words, "Can I please have a turn?"
We created milky way planet surfaces
 which moved and mixed like gaseous winds.

Watch our planet surface moving and mixing here.

Ezekiel did 'paper scissors rock' with Aditya to see who would get the next turn with the binoculars.

Sam lined up to wait for his turn on the moon hopper.

Adam said, "Can I please have a turn".

Thursday 8 September 2011

Grouping tens

10, 20, 30
3 tens = 30
3 tens = 30 and 1 more = 31
The Square Maths group have been learning to group teddys into packets of 10.

20 -  twenty = 2 tens 
30 - thirty = 3 tens
40 - fourty = 4 tens
50 - fifty = 5 tens
60 - sixty = 6 tens
70 - seventy = 7 tens
80 - eighty = 8 tens
90 - ninety = 9 tens

Kapai squares. You did a great job!