Tuesday 30 August 2011

Talofa brave astronauts. Can you see the rocket key?
We are learning about the long 'e' sound. The long 'e' sound makes the sound of it's name.

me    see      pea     key
b    bee      tea     monkey
he     knee   
she    tree
w    free

How can a rocket balloon fly?

We made a rocket balloon using a balloon, a straw and some string.

Predictions:  Will it fly?   Yes - 17,  No -1

Prepare for blast off......

Wonderings and Questions:

  •  "What would happen if we blew it up bigger?"  - Rithush
  We tried it out and the balloon went further.

  • "What if we point the balloon the other way?"  - Gabby
    We tried it out and saw that the balloon went the opposite way.

  • "I wonder if we could fold the balloon up?"  - Ezekiel
     It went really slow. The air couldn't get out very fast.

  • "How about we tie up the balloon and put a wee hole?" - Ody
     Would it go faster or POP?   It POPPED!

The air coming out of the balloon pushes the rocket the opposite way.

The letter Bb

Bonjour bright and bouncy balloons.

bungy jump
Ben 10 (capital B for someone's name)

Luca showed us his Ken doll. "Does it make a noise?", asked Dylan.
"No it doesn't", said Luca.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Parachutes and Boats


Who can make the fastest boat?
"I think blowing bubbles in the water will help my boat go fast", said Ezekiel.

How can we make our parachutes float
 slowly to the ground?
Why do some things go faster down the
ramp than others?
Click here to explore pushes and pulls.

How can you make the horse travel further?

Friday 26 August 2011

Room 12's book week characters

We dressed up for Book week as our favourite book characters. Can you guess who we all are?
We even had a teddy bear's picnic with a surprise visitor. It's been a fun filled week!

Phonics song

Teen numbers

Our wonderful caretaker Mr Wiersma came into Room 12 today and read us 'Fix-it duck'.

Mr Wiersma fixes lots of things around the school. He has his own tool shed where he keeps all his equipment. Thank you Mr Wiersma!
It is book week. On Wednesday we can dress up as our favourite book character.

look book took shook cook crook hook chook

Cindy likes playing on the monkey bars and with toy cars.

Exploring the forces of push and pull

Our first exploration into how we can make air move.

A floating ping pong ball?

We are learning about force and motion and how things move.
The floating ping pong ball was very mysterious and made us question how air moves.
We predicted what might happen to a pencil over the hairdryer.
Adam thought it would fall down because it was too heavy. It did!